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Omara Masoudi named Brayton Wilbur Jr. Memorial Fellow

Program Year: 2013

Director Omara Masoudi of the National Museum of Afghanistan completed a two-week professional affiliation at the Asian Art Museum where he examined museum management with an emphasis on public education and outreach programs, and the conservation and registration of artifacts. He also visited other museums in the Bay Area to further address these topics, and met with members of the local Afghan community. He said the fellowship experience inspired him to start a department of public relations at the National Museum to do outreach programs to the community and expand public education programs.

Asia Foundation Trustee Judith Wilbur generously established a fellowship in Asian Art in honor of her late husband and former Trustee, Brayton Wilbur, Jr. The fellowship stems from the Wilburs’ deep interest in Asian art, nurtured through their residence and travel in the region, and their commitment to the work of The Asia Foundation and the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco (AAM). The two institutions are collaborating in the program’s execution, with AAM identifying qualified fellowship recipients, and The Asia Foundation’s Asian American Exchange unit responsible for overall administration.

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