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Insights and Analysis

Advancing Women in Asia

March 7, 2012

The phrase “gender equality as smart economics” has become the mantra of such women leaders as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet. While some of Asia’s economies are booming, this does not always lead to greater opportunities for women. In fact, many women across Asia still lack access to basic education, face significant challenges in earning an income or starting a business, are vulnerable to human trafficking, and struggle to participate in policy decisions that drastically affect their families. Watch this slideshow to learn how The Asia Foundation is working to help women in Asia fight these obstacles.

International Women's Day 2012 Slideshow


  1. Women should be treated as equals with men but they are NOT equal to men. By the same token, Men should be treated as equals with women but they are NOT equal to women. It is the differences between men and women that make them compatible for union. A nut is different from its bolt. Both the bolt and its nut are equal in their importance to each other and it is their difference that makes them compatible in their union, holding bigger things together! Let us celebrate therefore, both the equality of the importance of women and men, and their differences too, as what the Heavenly Creator has made is always good individually and collectively. Praise Him, Praise Her.

  2. I agree with Gerard’s comment. There can probably never be pure equality, not even amongst men and other men. Simply because we are all never equal to begin with – each person distinct from the other, with their own sets of experiences and upbringing. However we do need to strive towards equality, and give equal opportunities and rights to every living being, and embrace each others differences as a means to complement each other and becoming better.

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InAsia is a bi-weekly in-depth, in-country resource for readers who want to stay abreast of significant events and issues shaping Asia’s development, hosted by The Asia Foundation. Drawing on the first-hand insight of renowned experts, InAsia delivers concentrated analysis on issues affecting each region of Asia, as well as Foundation-produced reports and polls.

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